Top 5 Reasons Why I Use Milorganite on My Lawn

I choose Milorganite as my primary lawn fertilizer because of the great results I get. My lawn has never been greener and healthier. This is because Milorganite is a slow-release fertilizer that feeds grass without overloading the soil with excess nitrogen. Plus, Milorganite contains iron, which is essential for lush green grass. It’s also an environmentally friendly fertilizer made from reclaimed water. Also, it’s an inexpensive fertilizer, so I’m able to keep my lawn green at a low cost.

What is Milorganite Fertilizer?

Milorganite is made from naturally occurring microbes that have been heat-dried at temperatures over 900℉ (480℃). These microbes contain high levels of nitrogen and iron because they feed on wastewater. So, Milorganite fertilizer is a recycled product—microbes from wastewater are recycled to create a healthy lawn fertilizer.

5 Reasons I Use Milorganite Lawn Fertilizer

After testing several fertilizers, Milorganite continued to win out over flashier and more expensive competitor products. Here’s why I always have a bag of Milorganite in my garage.

1. Amazing Results Without a Lot of Work

Milorganite almost always results in a visibly healthier lawn after the first application. Within two to three weeks after my first yearly milorganite application, my grass is greener, thicker, and strong enough to choke out weeds. The 6% nitrogen and 4% phosphorus may not seem like a lot, but this fertilizer packs a big punch.

You don’t need to apply Milorganite every month to get these results. Allow eight to 10 weeks between Milorganite applications so your lawn can absorb the nutrients. I apply Milorganite three to four times each year. Most years, it’s the only fertilizer I need to make my lawn the best on the block.

2. It Contains Slow-Release Nitrogen

Milorganite pellets up close

Many synthetic fertilizers are made up of fast-release nitrogen. These products overload the soil with more nutrients than your grass needs at one time. The excess nitrogen dries out the soil, pulls water out of your grass. The result is dead, brown patches in your lawn. Milorganite has never caused “fertilizer burn” in my yard. There’s one reason why: it’s a slow-release fertilizer.

Slow-release fertilizers—like Milorganite—break down over time. They only release nitrogen into the soil as your grass requires it. This means that Milorganite continually feeds your lawn for two months after application. Meanwhile, fast-release fertilizers overload your soil with nitrogen for a brief time. Then, excess nutrients go unused or damage your lawn. I’ve always had the best results with slow-release fertilizers.

3. Iron Content for Greener Grass

Most fertilizers highlight their nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium content as if that’s all your grass needs. They neglect to mention one key mineral that lawns require—iron. While it’s true that nitrogen is essential for stem and blade growth, iron is what gives grass its green color.

Milorganite contains 2.5% iron, which is significantly higher than many competitor products. So, while Milorganite gradually releases nitrogen to fuel grass growth each day, it also feeds your lawn plenty of iron. This results in deeper, lusher green colors. If you use Milorganite, you can say goodbye to dull and faded grass.

4. Sustainably Sourced

Since Milorganite is made by harvesting microbes from wastewater, it is one of the most environmentally conscious fertilizers on the market. No chemicals or synthetic products are used to create Milorganite. Instead, nutrients are taken from water that would otherwise be treated as waste.

Milorganite is a great example of humans reducing their own negative impact on the environment. Instead of dumping all this nitrogen into waterways, where it can cause algal blooms and harm wildlife, it is repurposed as fertilizer. I know I can feel good about supporting the Milorganite brand.

5 More Affordable than Competitors

The per-ounce price of Milorganite is about half that of name-brand competitors. This low price tag made it easy for me to switch over to Milorganite. I’m paying less for a greener, thicker lawn.

Even if you’re used to treating your lawn with an expensive, high-nitrogen fertilizer I recommend trying Milorganite just once. At the price, it’s a small investment to use Milorganite as a replacement for a single fertilizer application. If your results are anything like mine, you’ll end up saving hundreds each year by switching to Milorganite.

Great Slow-Release Fertilizer
Milorganite | Slow-Release Nitrogen Fertilizer
  • Helps green up your lawn within a few weeks.
  • Can be used on your lawn, trees, flowers, and shrubs.
  • Slow-release fertilizer and does not contain any salt.
We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you.

What Happens if You Use Too Much Milorganite?

I suppose it’s possible to use too much Milorganite on your lawn, but it’s extremely difficult. The slow-release nature of Milorganite means it will almost never overload your lawn with so much nitrogen that it causes fertilizer burn. This means that one of the only ways to kill grass with Milorganite is to pile so much in one place that it smothers your grass. As long as you spread the Milorganite evenly, your grass will benefit.

I typically follow the fertilizer rates recommended on the Milorganite packaging. However, I know some lawn care specialists use more Milorganite than recommended. They have not burned or damaged their lawns with the extra fertilizer.

How Often Should You Use Milorganite?

Apply Milorganite to your lawn up to four times yearly. Here is the “holiday” fertilizer schedule I follow:

  • First Application: Memorial Day
  • Second Application: 4th of July
  • Third Application: Labor Day
  • Fourth Application: Thanksgiving

If you have warm-season grass, you can follow this schedule:

  • First Application: Easter
  • Second Application: Memorial Day
  • Third Application: Labor Day
  • Fourth Application: Early October

You don’t have to apply fertilizer on these exact days, but they work as a good guide for lawn fertilization. As long as you fertilize within a couple of weeks of these dates, you will keep your lawn well-fed throughout the growing season.

Can You Use Milorganite as a Starter Fertilizer?

Milorganite can be used as a starter fertilizer for grass seed and sod. It works well for delicate new seedlings and sod since it won’t dry them out with fertilizer burn. It also contains enough phosphorus that it helps new grass develop roots. While it’s not the ideal grass starter fertilizer, it’s not a bad choice either.

What are the Benefits of Milorganite?

The best reasons to use Milorganite lawn fertilizer are:

  1. You will get results in 2–3 weeks.
  2. The slow-release nitrogen in Milorganite prevents fertilizer burn.
  3. It makes your grass greener due to its high iron content.
  4. It is a recycled fertilizer that is safe for the environment.
  5. Milorganite costs less than most competitors.

For my money, it’s hard to find a better fertilizer for the same price. Since there is almost no risk of lawn damage with Milorganite, it’s worth a try next time you feed your lawn.

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